
Showing posts from January, 2024

Navigating the Decline in Service Delivery within Nigeria's Federal and State Civil Services

 By Gladwell Stone In every nation, the civil service forms the backbone of government operations, playing a critical role in implementing policies and ensuring the smooth functioning of public services. However, in Nigeria, there exists a disconcerting deviation from this ideal. This paper explores the substantial decline in the quality of services provided by personnel in Nigeria's federal and state civil services and examines the consequences of this deterioration on the nation's progress. Theoretically, civil services are designed to be efficient, impartial, and dedicated to the public good. In Nigeria, however, the situation is markedly different. A visit to various federal and state establishments reveals a disheartening scenario: the prioritization of individual gain over collective progress. This self-serving attitude has led to a significant decline in the quality and efficiency of services offered to the public. Several factors contribute to this decline. Foremost is