
Job and AI Balance. Ensuring Human Engagement: The Crucial Role of Jobs in an AI-Driven World

 As AI efficiency soars, the need for meaningful human occupation remains paramount to avoid global unemployment crises. Gladwell Stone In a world where artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize industries, there is a pressing need to emphasize the importance of human engagement through meaningful employment. While AI undeniably offers unparalleled efficiency and cost-cutting benefits, the potential consequences of overlooking the role of jobs in people's lives could lead to dire global crises of unemployment. As technology advances and automation becomes more prevalent, some may argue that AI-driven systems are rendering human labor obsolete. However, the consequences of mass unemployment are far-reaching and detrimental to society as a whole. By recognizing the inherent value of human engagement, we can proactively address this challenge and foster a more inclusive and sustainable future. One crucial aspect of the human experience is the sense of purpose and fulfill

David Hundeyin: The Fearless Journalist Reshaping Nigeria's Destiny.

  Exposing Corruption and Saving Lives, Hundeyin's Unyielding Pursuit of Truth By Gladwell Stone Photo Credit: David Hundeyin  In a country where corruption runs rampant and investigative journalism often comes with life-threatening risks, David Hundeyin has emerged as a beacon of hope for Nigeria. With an unwavering commitment to journalistic integrity, Hundeyin's recent expose on the Nigerian aviation industry has once again demonstrated his exceptional work, potentially saving countless lives in the process. His latest revelation, published on his platform West Africa Weekly, titled "Passenger Alert: Nigeria is About to Record Another Air Disaster,"  sheds light on the dangerous state of the country's aviation sector. Hundeyin fearlessly uncovers the rot and negligence plaguing the industry, bringing attention to a near-crash incident involving a Max Air Boeing 737-3H4 with the tail identifier 5N-MHM. The impact of Hundeyin's expose extends far beyond mere

Aisha Yesufu: A Woman Amongst Women; Pro-People Campaigner and Advocate for Good Governance in Nigeria

Gladwell Stone   Avogue Chief Columnist   Aisha Yesufu; Advocate for Good Governance in Nigeria  In a country where social activism and advocacy for good governance have become critical, Aisha Yesufu has emerged as a prominent figure and an unwavering champion of the people. Her relentless pursuit of justice, equity, and liberty has garnered widespread admiration, earning her the title of "A Woman Amongst Women." Aisha Yesufu's commitment to the cause of justice became evident during the infamous Chibok girls' abduction in 2014. In the face of this horrific incident, she fearlessly stood up and campaigned tirelessly for the release of the kidnapped girls, becoming a symbol of hope for countless Nigerians. Her steadfast dedication and vocal demands for action not only raised awareness about the issue on a global scale but also inspired unity and resilience among Nigerians. When the End SARS movement erupted in 2020, Aisha Yesufu once again took center stage, fearlessly

The Power of Unity: Overcoming Tyranny And Injustices

Gladwell Stone Avogue Chief Columnist   Photo Credit: Phkorotkova In the annals of history, one recurring theme stands out: the power of unity in the face of tyranny. Throughout different corners of the world, nations have witnessed the profound impact of collective action and solidarity, as people have risen together to end impunity and injustice. From the struggles against oppressive regimes to the fight for civil rights, these historical examples serve as reminders of the indomitable human spirit and the transformative strength of unity. Countless nations have experienced the perils of allowing tyranny to reign unabated. However, they have also exemplified the remarkable progress that can be achieved when individuals band together to challenge such authoritarian rule. The following historical episodes stand as vivid illustrations of how unity has proven to be the antidote to tyranny: 1. The Civil Rights Movement in the United States: In the mid-20th century, African Americans in th

Five Career Prospects that Would Best Prepare You for Future Opportunities

Exploring Promising Fields in the Ever-Evolving Job Market. Exploring Promising Fields in the Ever-Evolving Job Market In a world driven by technological advancements and societal changes, choosing the right career path is crucial for securing future opportunities. As industries continue to transform, certain fields stand out as promising options for those seeking stable and rewarding careers. Here are five career prospects that can help individuals prepare for the future job market: 1. Technology and Computer Science: The digital revolution has reshaped industries across the globe. Proficiency in areas such as software development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, and machine learning is in high demand. As technology continues to advance, professionals in these fields will play a critical role in shaping the future. 2. Health and Life Sciences: The healthcare sector is witnessing unprecedented growth, driven by the need for advanced medical technologies and quali

SOUTH AFRICAN DJ Cyan Arrested for Stealing IPhone 13. Cost of Pride: Lessons for The Youth.

SOUTH AFRICAN DJ Cyan Arrested for Stealing iPhone 13. Cost of Pride: Lessons for The Youth.    In a recent turn of events, popular South African DJ, Dj Cyan Boujee, has found herself in the clutches of the law for an act as trivial as stealing an iPhone 13. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the consequences that can arise when we prioritize feeding our pride over what truly matters. The youth of today must learn about this unfortunate event and redirect their focus toward what truly holds value. In an age where material possessions and external validation seem to hold immense importance, it is easy to get caught up in a whirlwind of desires and egotistical pursuits. The temptation to impress others and maintain a certain image can lead individuals astray from their moral compass. Dj Cyan Boujee's story serves as a powerful moral tale that emphasizes the importance of prioritizing substance over superficiality. Our society often glorifies fame, wealth, and popularity, cre

Nigerian Government's Insensitivity Exacerbates Economic Woes with Hasty Fuel Subsidy Removal: Editorial

Nigerian Government's Insensitivity Exacerbates Economic Woes with Hasty Fuel Subsidy Removal. In a country already grappling with numerous challenges, the Nigerian government's hasty removal of fuel subsidies without a comprehensive plan to cushion the impact has sent shockwaves through the nation, leaving millions of citizens reeling from the devastating consequences. The ill-conceived policy action has not only stifled economic activities but has also exacerbated inflation, plunging already struggling Nigerians into even greater hardship. Since taking office, the present Nigerian administration, whose legitimacy is still being contested in court, has failed to demonstrate sensitivity towards the plight of its people. The abrupt removal of fuel subsidies without adequate preparations has proven to be a catalyst for chaos, inflicting widespread suffering and deepening the divisions among citizens. The current petrol price regime is undeniably unsustainable, especially when con